BDSO Payment Methods
IMPORTANT: Please put Dazzler’s name and what your payment is for in the memo line for both Venmo and Zelle.
*Zelle is the preferred method as it is free to use. If you choose to use Venmo, you will need to include a 1.9% plus a $0.10 fee per transaction on Venmo.
*Zelle is the preferred method as it is free to use. If you choose to use Venmo, you will need to include a 1.9% plus a $0.10 fee per transaction on Venmo.
Search under the business tab for "Bobcat Dazzler Service Organization". DON'T FORGET to add 1.9% plus a $0.10 fee per transaction. |
Search under the business tab for "Bob Cat Dazzlers Service Organization" confirm that the email address is "[email protected]". (There is no fee when using Zelle through your bank) |